Please remember these guest policies while using indoor seating at Peregrine Espresso. Guests may be reminded of these policies by baristas, a manager, and may be restricted from online access if they are unwilling to comply:

Peregrine provides free internet access to guests of our cafe, but asks guests to limit their stay to allow all customers an opportunity to enjoy our indoor seating. 

  • Seating and internet access are available only for customers at Peregrine Espresso.

  • Internet usage will be limited by the user to legal and safe-for-work sites. Using our network for browsing sites that are pornographic, otherwise graphic, violent or lewd, display hate symbols or other imagery that may threaten or intimidate guests or baristas in our cafe is not acceptable. 

  • Guests will wear headphones for any internet usage that involves playing sounds (including calls, webinars or video conferencing) and keep participation to a conversational level. Guests may leave the cafe if shop music or other cafe volume levels make it unconducive to participate in these activities. (ie, please do not moderate the volume level of anyone but yourself)

  • Baristas and fellow guests are not responsible for the safety of belongings left unattended in the cafe. Belongings may not be left unattended for extended periods of time. 

  • Any cords must stay out of walkways, and guests may not rearrange tables or sit on the floor in order to access an outlet

This conduct policy was last updated March 2023. We may add on or change this policy at any time. Thank you!